Category Archives: A Prodigious Love

A Prodigious Love: Child of God

All sorts of people are eager to define and profile who we are - advertisers, poll takers, social media companies, among many others. A genuine identity is one of the most important assets we have for getting through life - too important to be left up to others who don't really know us. Who can…
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A Prodigious Love: Street Stories

There are parades, marches and processions. The name depends on the reason that motivates people to go out and walk through the streets. Most often they have a message or story to tell. On the feast of Corpus Christi there are religious processions throughout the world carrying the Blessed Sacrament and witnessing to the presence…
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Prodigious Love: Praise from Below

What kind of suitable praise can lowly creatures like us offer to God? "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9). How can we offer praise to a perfect God whose ways and thoughts are so much higher…
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Prodigious Love: A Vision of Ourselves

"Called into relationship by the Holy Spirit and centered in the Eucharist, St. Margaret Mary Parish is a welcoming community, sent to serve as Christ did." Members of St. Margaret Mary parish have a vision statement that says we are "centered in the Eucharist." It is a vision for our parish that tells a lot…
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