The Wedding at Cana highlights Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine, demonstrating His divine power and compassion. It emphasizes the importance of trust in Him and His ability to transform challenges into blessings. All the readings for this Sunday can be found HERE.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: There are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.
ROAD CLOSINGS Saturday, January 18 Multiple roads will be closed in Winter Park on the morning of January 18. Please take into consideration when attending any Church events.
ALTAR SERVER TRAINING New altar server training begins Wednesday, January 22 Training for 5th Grade and older Altar Servers enhance the quality of liturgical celebrations by assisting the priest in various ways during the Mass and by taking part in liturgical processions. READ MORE
PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Sunday, February 2 On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day, it is an ancient custom of the Church to bless candles. At all the Sunday Masses that weekend, you are invited to bring candles from home that you would like to have blessed for devotional use.
MEMORIAL OF ST. BLAISE Monday, February 3 On the Memorial of St. Blaise, the patron for those with illnesses of the throat, the Blessing of Throats will be given after the daily Masses and in the evening at Taizé Prayer.
TAIZÉ PRAYER Monday, February 3 at 7pm (Church) This contemplative service in the tradition of the Taizé Community in France is filled with darkness, song, and silence and is led by the SMM Choir and instruments. The service will last about 45 minutes.
MORNING STAR SCHOOL: SPECIAL NEEDS MASS Sunday, February 9 at 10am This special event will take place under the pines at Bishop Moore Catholic High School, followed by a reception in the Student Life Center at Morning Star Catholic School.
PARKING AT MASS There are two additional parking lots we are permitted to use for Mass on the weekends. They are both a short walk from the Church and are an excellent solution to ease the parking woes during busy Masses. READ MORE
A HEARING LOOP IS INSTALLED AT SMM A Hearing Loop is an assistive listening system that transmits sound directly into one's hearing aids or cochlear implants. If the T-coil/telecoil is equipped, you will hear a direct feed from the Church/Chapel's sound system into your hearing aid. READ MORE
PARISH FOCUS: THE EUCHARIST "Called. Gifted. Sent.” Do you know anyone who fits that description? Is it YOU? Our Baptism says, “Yes, it is you!” READ MORE
REGISTER AS A PARISHIONER! Have you been coming to Mass here but have never registered? Please ask one of our ushers for a new parishioner registration form. We would love to include you in all our SMM events and communications. Time to be an official part of our SMM parish family! READ MORE
HOMILY REWIND Fr. Walsh reflects on baptism as a transformative relationship with Christ that also unites us with the Church community. He emphasizes the responsibility of nurturing faith, reassures parents facing challenges with younger generations, and calls for active participation in worship as members of the Body of Christ. SEE THE VIDEO
SMM WRITING GROUP Wednesday mornings from 10am – 12pm The purpose is to write the stories of our lives. Please write something at home, 500 words or less, to bring with you. Keep in mind that this is a sharing group, not a writing critique. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more info.
PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO POLAND "In the footsteps of St. John Paul II" - Sept. 3-11, 2025 In the cities of Krakow and Warsaw, we will visit many historical and sacred sites like the Basilica of St. Mary, Wavel Castle, and the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy. Most especially, we will visit the hometown of Pope St. John Paul II. Call the office at 407-647-3392 and they will refer you to Sr. Rosemary.
FAMILY PROMISE Families visit February 9-16 Help offer safe, welcoming shelter in our Family Life Center to parents and children who are homeless. Parish volunteers will provide hot meals and hospitality the week of February 9. READ MORE
ARTS AND CRAFT SHOW If you are interested in arts and crafts and would like to join a group making items (either at home or with the group) to be sold at an Art and Craft Show for a charitable organization, please let us know by contacting [email protected],
FIRST COMMUNION First Eucharist Preparation begins with a Parent Orientation, via Zoom, on Tuesday, January 28, for registered families. More information will be sent via email. Students will remain in the same groups (Trees, Fish, etc.) as they did in the fall for First Reconciliation preparation.
VACATION BIBLE CAMP June 16-20 from 9am-noon Vacation Bible Camp will be held the week of June 16-20 from 9am to noon. Our theme is “True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World”. Registration information will be available soon.
JUBILEE YEAR 2025 A Jubilee Year is traditionally proclaimed by the Universal Church every 25 years. It is a particular year set aside to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, to repent of their sins and forgive the sins of others, and to renew a focus on the spiritual life. READ MORE
CHILI COOK-OFF Saturday, January 25 at 6:30pmSt. Margaret Mary's Haiti Committee is proud to bring you the third annual SMM Chili Cook-Off. Registration is open on OUR WEBSITE
PRO-LIFE ROSARY Every Tuesday, 9:30am at the All Women’s Health Center, 431 N. Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs Our purpose is to pray for women considering an abortion, to offer well written pamphlets explaining where free help is available. For more info or questions, please contact Barbara at 407-647-9230.
SMMCS: COME LEARN ABOUT US!!! Thursday, January 30 at 9am Parishioners interested in registering students in St. Margaret Mary School for the 2025-2026 school year are invited to attend the annual Open House. Parents are invited to attend to learn more about our parish school on OUR WEBSITE.
UPCOMING EDGE NIGHT Wednesday, January 22, 6:30-8pm Please enter the FLC building to get to Parish Hall through the back lobby doors (by Mary statue that faces the parking lot). We’ll have dinner, games, and a topic to chat about. Can’t wait to see you!
UPCOMING LIFE NIGHT Sunday, January 19, 7-8:30pm Please enter the FLC building through the back lobby doors (by Mary statue that faces the parking lot). We’ll have dinner, games, and a topic to chat about in the Youth Room. Can’t wait to see you!
PURLS AND PRAYERS Tuesdays at 10am until Noon We knit or crochet prayer shawls for people who need a prayer and a hug. If you can knit and crochet, please come along and join us. If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet, we are happy to show you.
SURVIVING SPOUSES Monday, January 27 at 11am You are invited to join other widows and widowers for the purpose of bringing together the members of our parish who have lost a wife or husband. The group offers an atmosphere of support and understanding with encouragement through sharing and prayer. For more information, contact Patrick Demers 407-998-5659.
CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP Tuesday, January 28, 10-11:30am Caregiving meetings are held on the phone or virtual. If you care for a loved one at home or in a facility, consider taking this time to share with those who are experiencing the same situations and emotions. For more information, call Patrick Demers 407 647-3392.
BLESSED IS SHE Monday night faith sharing sessions for moms. 7-8pmSingle moms, seasoned moms, all moms are invited every Monday night to share their faith and make new friendships. This spring we will be using the podcast “Restore the Beauty” from Abiding Together as our conversation starter. Join in any Monday night. For more information, contact l[email protected]
RESPECT LIFE FOCUS FOR JANUARY See all the options to join us to respect life this month on OUR WEBSITE.
SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY Wednesday, January 22, 10am - Noon The Senior Adult Ministry invites all adults ages 60 and older to the next Game Day in the Holy Grounds room. No RSVP needed.
MARRIAGE MINISTRY NIGHTFriday, January 24, 6-8pm, Parish HallAll couples, dating, engaged, and married are invited. Program includes dinner, drinks, and reflections on “The Little Way of Love”. Register on OUR WEBSITE
ELIZABETH MINISTRY: PRAYER SHOWER Saturday, February 1, 9-10am All mothers with babies born in 2024 are invited to SAVE THE DATE for our annual Prayer Shower. This is a time for meeting other mothers and blessing your baby! Sponsored by the Elizabeth Ministry of St. Margaret Mary. READ MORE
YOUNG ADULTS: MARIAN MONDAY Every Monday at 6:55pm Our events aim to inspire us to be the best version of ourselves, ranging from Holy Hour to Happy Hour!
SUPPORT THOSE WHO SUPPORT USThere are many wonderful sponsors that support us through ads in our bulletin. Here is a LIST OF THOSE SPONSORS. Please consider supporting them.