“Called. Gifted. Sent.” Do you know anyone who fits that description? Is it YOU? Our Baptism says, “Yes, it is you!”
Our Scripture readings and Eucharistic celebrations of this Liturgical Season re-echo that message, “Yes, it is all of us.” All of us are being called, gifted and sent. These weeks become a precious time for us to explore each of these dimensions of our lives and open ourselves to a time of discovery and re-affirmation.
We hear God declare to Isaiah and to his people: “You shall be called by a new name, pronounced by the mouth of the Lord. You shall be called “My Delight.”
We listen to the beautiful dialogue of the Lord with Isaiah: “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” Isaiah responds, “Here I am. Send me!”
We see the disciples being called from the sea shore to enter the hearts and lives of people everywhere.
We see Jesus describing Himself as “Anointed (‘called and gifted’) to bring glad tidings to the poor … the captives … the blind … the oppressed.”
All of these Scripture experiences are patterns for us. The One who calls us also loves us and “delights” in us. God’s delight becomes a gift in us, each of us responding in our own unique way. The mission of Jesus now becomes mission for us. We are messengers of a new Kingdom where we share Christ’s gifts of compassion, healing, forgiveness and hope.
Yes, all of us are Called. Gifted. Sent.
Eucharist Prayer
Heavenly Father,
At our wondrous birth,
You invite us to be a
part of Your body.
We praise You
for Your Gift of
the Bread from Heaven
divine in Your Son, Jesus.
At Your table, You offer us
to take and eat the Eucharist,
to receive Jesus
in the depth of our soul.
Your prescient love
fills the longing of our heart
and we journey in hope –
strangers no longer.
In this sacred mystery,
You call us to
to do for others
as You have done.
Transfigured by Your holy Spirit
we promise to be Your Eucharist
to one another that all will know You
until the end of the age.
Read Bishop Noonan’s Pastoral Letter, The Eucharist: God Among Us HERE.
Learn more about the National Eucharistic Revival and how you can get involved here.