...was surely one who lived in the Spirit of compassion and love. She gave her life radiating the love of Jesus to the abandoned in India. We ask her to...
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Being a Servant
...to proclaim the Gospel and promote human dignity. Her labors took her to Spain, Uruguay and Argentina, where she died. Father Francesco Spinelli (1853-1913) was born in Milan, Italy, and...
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St. Maximilian Kolbe
...a daily newspaper. In 1930 he went to Asia, where he founded friaries in Nagasaki and India, eventually returning to Poland. When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, he knew that...
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Being Childlike
Written by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P. Readings from: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/120319.cfm I’m not getting any promotional fees for this, but if you haven’t seen the movie about Mr. Rogers, “It’s a Beautiful...
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