Prodigious Love: A Vision of Ourselves

"Called into relationship by the Holy Spirit and centered in the Eucharist, St. Margaret Mary Parish is a welcoming community, sent to serve as Christ did."

Members of St. Margaret Mary parish have a vision statement that says we are "centered in the Eucharist." It is a vision for our parish that tells a lot about who we are and who we want to be.

However, being centered in this way can be difficult, especially when there are so many things in our daily lives that require our attention.

Is there a way to reconcile the vision of who we want to be and the reality of our daily lives? Pope St. John Paul II thought so:

"At the center of the Church is the Eucharist, where Christ is present and active in humanity and in the whole world by means of the Holy Spirit."

Jesus came into the world for a purpose. The people who believe that Christ remains present in the world have a role in fulfilling that purpose. Not just when they come together at Mass, but every day when they make Christ "present and active in humanity and in the whole world."

Perhaps vision and reality can be the same.