New SMM Joint Partnership: Together in Grace Ministries
The ministry will provide walk-up food for the homeless in the Aloma/436 corridor, bags of food for families who live in Winter Park, Maitland or Eatonville who are struggling to feed their families, and will continue our long-standing diaper program for children up to 3 years old who live in the same area.
We are currently “stocking the shelves” with food and diapers in order to get started. Please consider donating size 3-6 diapers or food from the list below. All donations can be left in the parish hall.
- Green beans
- Corn
- Peas
- Mixed vegetables
- Tomatoes/ Paste
- Fruit (canned)
- Pork and Beans
- Beans
- Soup (Heat & Serve)
- Soup (Condensed)
- Pasta
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Mac-n-Cheese
- Instant Potatoes (small)
- Peanut Butter (small)
- Jelly (small)
- Tuna
- Meat (canned)
- Pancake mix (small)
- Syrup (small)
- Cereal
- Crackers (sleeves)
- Bread
- Rice
- Toilet Paper
- Soap (bar)
Thank you so much for considering our neighbors in need.