Year of the Eucharist

Year of the Eucharist Prayer

Lord Jesus,

Your Presence fills us with hope and joy.
You are the human voice of the Father,
Teaching us,
Healing us,
Forgiving us.

In pouring out Your life for us,
Even to death on the cross,
You opened the gates of resurrected life to all people.

Now, today, in this Eucharist
We encounter You anew.
You draw us into communion with You,
Transforming us through your Body and Blood.

Stay with us, Lord.
Be our nourishment and strength.
Send us forth as servants to the world
And witnesses of your Eternal Love.


It is most appropriate that Bishop Noonan, embarking upon the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Diocese of Orlando, has proclaimed 2018 as a Year of the Eucharist. For what are we as Church if we are not a Eucharistic people? This year, our parish of St. Margaret Mary will focus especially on the Eucharist. Most of us are “cradle Catholics” and have had our faith passed on through our families. We bring to Mass each Sunday our experiences and knowledge gained through the preparation for our own First Holy Communion, or through participation in faith formation opportunities.

The Year of the Eucharist is a time to refresh ourselves in the knowledge of the “source and summit” of our Catholic faith – the Eucharist. With a deeper awareness of the Mass, of what we bring to it, and of what is expected of us, our weekly participation in Mass will be renewed and invigorated. Throughout the year we will continue to focus further on the parts of the Mass and on the rich mysteries of our faith.