Presider: We adore You O Christ, and we praise You. (genuflect)
All: Because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.
Jesus, you fell and got right back up, even under the weight of the cross. You were tired and bleeding, but you still got back up because you had faith in God Your Father, and you trusted Him. You were walking to your own death, yet you kept going. It must have been very painful to see people who loved you turn on you and hate you.
Find a calm spot and take a moment to breathe. Think about the following questions: Have I ever seen someone who’s hurt and not stopped? Have I benefited from someone else’s loss? Have I done what is right for me but not for others? Have I given up when times get difficult? Take a moment to realize how obedient Jesus was knowing He was going to die the most painful death. Everyone who Jesus loved had betrayed him. Think about how that must have felt.
Share the Load: Get something heavy and hold it until you are tired. Then pass it on to the next person in your family, and then again and again until everyone gets a chance to share the load. Reflect on how Jesus felt to carry the cross.
Reach Out: Go with your family to a local rehab or senior citizen center and do some activities with the residents. Spend some time to listen to their struggles and pray with them.
Dear Jesus, When I am struggling, help me to be strong. When I am bullied, help me to have courage. When others are mocked, help me to stand up for them. When I weep, comfort me. Lord, help us to remember your bravery and determination. When things are difficult, remembering your act of mercy helps me to get through the toughest days. When I am criticized and mocked, remembering you helps me to never give up. When I am struggling, knowing that you are always by my side, brings me peace. Amen.
BY: Niamh Barry & the 4th grade students, St. Margaret Mary Catholic School
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