- Electronic Giving via Online Account with Vanco
- One-time Electronic Giving through Paypal
- Electronic Giving Authorization Form
- Electronic Giving FAQs
- Memorial Donation
Dear Parishioners:
For sometime members of St. Margaret Mary have inquired about electronic giving options. Some families have already begun making contributions through their own online banking programs. In the recent Parish Survey, most parishioners indicated they still preferred to make their donations through the envelope system. However, a large and growing number have expressed a desire for us to implement electronic giving options.
For many years the electronic option of giving was not made available as the cost of implementation was simply too high, plus the experience of “dropping an envelope” into the basket might be missed. More recently electronic giving has become more practical financially and is totally embraced by a growing segment of society. In fact for some people writing a check or dealing with paper money has become a rare or even bothersome occurrence.
If this is the manner of “stewardship offering” you desire to use, I invite you to do so.
Thank you for the support you give to our parish as a good steward of your time, talent and treasure.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Walsh,
Pastor, St. Margaret Mary Church