Youth Ministry

Leading Teens Closer to Christ

Connect with Us!

We need new members for our CORE TEAM! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

For more information, please contact:
Peyton Kuhlman, Director of Youth Ministry at [email protected] or call (407) 998-5677
Bela Schmitt, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at [email protected] or call 407-998-5660


Life Teen High School Ministry

Lifeteen is open to those in 9th to 12th grade. Our schedule will come out soon for this school year.

Edge Middle School Ministry

Edge is open to those in 6th through 8th grade. Our schedule will come out soon for this school year.

Family Faith

Family Faith is an extra, supplemental opportunity for those who are registered for Youth Ministry. It is not an official part of the EDGE or Life Teen program, but the invitation is extended each month to those involved with Youth Ministry if they choose to attend with their families. Sign-ups for this will also be included in the monthly e-newsletter. Family Faith will always begin with 5:30pm Mass, includes a family meal at 6pm, and concludes with a lesson and breakout sessions by age group up until 7:30pm.


For more information, please contact:
Peyton Kuhlman, Director of Youth Ministry at [email protected] or call (407) 998-5677
Bela Schmitt, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at [email protected] or call 407-998-5660

If you have specific questions about application forms or sacramental certificates, please contact Sandi Hagan [email protected] or call 407-647-6129

For more information go to:

Additional option: All-Ages Family Faith- In this setting, families with children of all ages (four through high school) are invited to learn together about our faith. Classes will meet once a month on a Wednesday evening We will begin with mass at 5:30 in the church, followed by a family meal in the FLC. Class will be taught from 6:30-7:30. Curriculum will be provided for the weeks when we do not meet. Find out more:

Youth Ministry Photos


Google Virtual Tour of our Youth Room