Pope Francis tells us: “The need to accompany is urgent! The next generation of marriages is counting on the married couples of today. Who else but happily married couples are going to show the truth and beauty and joy of true love.”
If you have been married at least 3 years and want to join us in Pope Francis’ mission of supporting the Sacrament of Marriage, consider volunteering to help with one of these building blocks. Contact the Family Life Office for more information at 407-645-0284 or email [email protected]
6 Building Blocks of a Marriage-Building Parish
PREPARING For Sacramental Marriage
The Catholic Church is not just a beautiful place for your wedding. The Church has the wisdom to help you live out your most noble intentions, to have a forever marriage, rich beyond your dreams. We welcome Catholics and non-Catholics who desire the Sacrament of Matrimony We follow research that suggests 2 key factors determine how much a couple will benefit from marriage preparation:
- how willing the couple is to learn something about Christian marriage.
- how much each person is committed to the lifelong task of becoming a better person.
Our preparation is a 3 step process to accompany all couples in preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage:
To begin the process, contact DeeDee Haggerty at [email protected] or call 407-647-3392
Monthly Date Nights Sponsored by the Marriage Ministry Team.
Save the date for our next date night, Friday, January 24, 6-8pm.
If you are dating, engaged, or married and want to meet other couples and grow in your faith and even pick up a few important skills to keep your marriage strong, come to our monthly marriage ministry date nights.
Date nights are a great opportunity to meet other fun, faith-filled couples and rekindle and recharge your own marital relationship thru prayer, conversation, laughter, and reflection.
Register for this month's Marriage Date Night
CREATING a Culture of Life and Love in the Family
Visit the SMM Baptism class to witness to couples seeking the Sacrament of Baptism for a child.
If you are married and have children and believe in the importance of balancing marriage and parenting,--especially after the birth or adoption of the first baby---then volunteer to share this joyful important message with the couples at our Baptism class. Held every other month on a Thursday night, join the team and pick one or two months you can visit this class and partner with new families in the giving and receiving of God’s love! Contact the Family Life Office to volunteer: 407-645-0284.
Celebrate and reverence God's vision of human sexuality and learn more about the gift of NFP.
NFP teaches spouses to understand their fertility and work with God's design to respect and honor the gifts God gives in marriage! Learn a method of Natural Family Planning from certified teachers either in-person or in the comfort of your home! For a list of Orlando based NFP providers click here: https://stmargaretmary.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Orlando-NFP-Brochure-2019.pdf
Collaborate with the Haiti Evangelization team.
If you are married and long for couples in our sister parish in Haiti to be able to receive the graces that come with a sacramental marriage, then this building team is for you! Contact Lori Reinneck, 407-645-0284.
REBUILDING Hurting Marriages
Don’t Let Your Marriage … Break Your Heart!
If you feel frustrated, hurt and angry with each other; if you feel trapped by frequent conflict and don't know where to turn; please know this program has helped thousands of couples. Retrouvaille can help rediscover what you once had. This is a Diocese-sponsored program to restore communication and trust in marriage. Even if you are separated or divorced - or are thinking about it - call and give yourselves another chance. You and your relationship deserve it. For more information or registration call (352) 274-4614. All calls are strictly confidential.
If you know a couple in a hurting marriage, give the family the gift of love and tell them about this program. Retrouvaille welcomes all couples in struggling relationships who want to save their marriages. And check our website at www.retrouvaille.org
Celebration of the vocation of marriage in worship and community life.
If you feel lukewarm in your faith, or have strong belief in the power of prayer, want to feel close to Jesus, or know a couple in a hurting marriage who you promised to pray for, come visit the Real Presence of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of each month. In the chapel. After 8 am Mass thru Saturday at 12 noon. Come spend a few minutes in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel.
Pope Francis: List of tips to make a marriage work
“Marriage is a Community of Life and Love, an intimate partnership for the whole of life. It is an enduring and exclusive partnership for the giving and receiving of love. Its purpose is for the mutual good of the spouses and for the procreation and education of children.”
Gaudium et spes (Vatican II) Chapter 48 Catechism of the Catholic Church Article 7 #1603
For more information on any of these “Building Blocks for Healthy Marriages” contact:
The Family Life Office at 407-645-0284 or email [email protected]