Family Matters

Elizabeth Ministry

elizabeth ministry
Following in the footsteps of Mary and Elizabeth, women mentoring to women thru the joys and sorrows of the childbearing years. Join a team to pray the rosary once a month for the needs of mothers in our parish, cook and deliver homemade meals for mothers in need, reach out as a pregnancy partner to a first time mom, support those experiencing infertility, or write letters of comfort after a miscarriage or loss. LEARN MORE

St. Anne's Ministry

St. Anne’s Ministry at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church brings ALL mothers together socially and spiritually, offering them many ways to connect with one another and to find support with the challenges inherent to motherhood.


Divorce Support Group

For all people experiencing separation or divorce.
We have a Fall series and a Spring series. If you are in need of this support: Call Lori Reinneck at the Family Life office for more information at 407-645-0284 or email [email protected]



Early Catholic Family Life (ECFL) is a program designed to draw parents and their children into faith community. We welcome families with children ages 4 and under and empower them to raise their children confidently with Jesus.


Pro Life Ministries

Guided by this Catholic Social Teaching and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we believe that all life is precious. We believe that every person has inherent dignity from the moment of conception to natural death and we seek always to protect and defend the sacredness and dignity of human life.

We provide opportunities in the parish and community for formation, outreach, and education through our

  • 40 Days for Life National Campaigns
  • Respect Life Corner


Blessed is She

Small groups for moms. We value Beauty, Eucharist, the Word, Heart and Sisterhood.

Join us for conversation and community every Monday night 7-8pm in the Upper Room.

Contact Teresa for more info at [email protected] 

Sponsored by the Family Life Office: 407-645-0284 or [email protected]

Between You and Me

A Family Life program for incoming 4th grade girls & their mothers.

An invitation to deepen our mother/daughter relationship using the book Between You and Me from the Catholic author of “Walking with Purpose." RSVP HERE. 

Senior Adult Ministry

Our Senior Adult Ministry is a parish ministry for maturing adults.  Our mission is to sustain a vibrant faith community-based program for the second half of life.   Our ministry components include:  prayer, community building, service, and social events.  Activities occur both on parish campus and offsite.  LEARN MORE

SMM Playgroup

Social and fun time for toddlers, preschoolers, and parents to meet others from our parish. 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10am. September-June we meet at Phelps Park in Winter Park. July-August we meet in the church nursery. RSVP HERE. For more details/questions, please contact Kristen at [email protected]

Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition

A program for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students to Discover God's Plan For Love and Life. Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition answers the questions your middle school students may have about sexual morality, relationships, and how they were uniquely created for greatness. This program uses a dynamic mix of stories, real-life examples, activities, prayers, and relevant references to the culture. Contact the Family Life Office for resources at 407-645-0284 or email [email protected].

Theology of the Body Podcast - Podcast hosted by Lori Reinneck, M.S, Director of Family Life and student of The Theology of the Body Institute since 2018. Special Guests: Fr. Adam Marchese, Parochial Vicar, and Peyton Kuhlman, Coordinator of Youth Ministry. This podcast is created first with parents and teachers in mind, in an attempt to personally embrace the message of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body - how to give and receive love! Listen Here

Special Needs Ministry

SORRY, THIS MINISTRY IS CURRENTLY INACTIVE AND SEEKING A FACILITATOR. This group is for parents or other caregivers who are caring for a family member(s) with special needs to include developmental delays, mental health issues, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus or other disabilities. We provide prayer, encouragement, friendship and resources for parents or caregivers facing the challenges of living with someone with special needs. LEARN MORE