About the Elizabeth Ministry
Elizabeth Ministry members, or Elizabeth Ministers, offer hope and healing for women and their families on issues related to the joys, challenges and sorrows of the childbearing years.
Following the example of Mary and Elizabeth, we visit and share the sacredness of all life. (Luke 1: 39-56) The story in Luke’s gospel of the visitation between Mary and Elizabeth is one of the most profound examples of sharing faith in all of scripture. The sanctity of life and power of the Spirit is revealed in the common sharing of these two women. Throughout the generations women have repeated this story. The Elizabeth Ministry carries on this tradition of maternal mentoring. We respect life, cherish children, encourage families, enrich marriages, and build communities.
Today at St. Margaret Mary Parish, Elizabeth Ministry volunteers are helping other women during pregnancy and childbirth. We also offer support when conceiving is difficult or when a child is lost. Together, we share many of the joys and sorrows that a mother experiences throughout her life span.
"My favorite part of the day is visiting the new moms... often there are tears - tears of happiness and thanksgiving that God has been so good..." - Chris Bush Here is the complete reflection |
Submit a prayer request or refer a parishioner in need of Elizabeth Ministry services
Please click here to fill out the Elizabeth Ministry Referral Form for a parishioner in need of prayers. We pray the rosary on a quarterly basis and then we will send them a prayer card.
Also you can fill out that form for a parishioner in need in need of any of the below services and the corresponding Elizabeth Ministry Team Leader will contact them.
Elizabeth Ministry Teams (click on each team to see details)
Meal Team | Pro Life Team |
Ministry to the Sick Team | New Life Team |
Miscarriage and Loss Team |
Volunteering as a member of the Elizabeth Ministry
Are you interested in volunteering on one of our Elizabeth Ministry teams?
To get started, please complete the Elizabeth Ministry Volunteer Form so we can connect you to the appropriate team. Once your information is received, the EM Coordinator will follow up with you to start the fingerprinting and safe environment training if you have not already completed this process.
Elizabeth Ministry Prayer
Creator God, I pledge to truly celebrate the gift of each child conceived and born, and
fully mourn each miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth and infant or child death. I will be a witness to my belief in the dignity and worth of all life, by honoring sexuality, treasuring the gift of fertility, promoting chaste living, uplifting the sanctity of marriage, helping those struggling with sexual sins, supporting those suffering infertility problems, encouraging those in the adoptive process, and assisting families with prenatal, infant or child crisis, illness or special need. I will be a strong and consistent voice for life in my home, my church, my community, and my world. Amen.
Source: www.elizabethministry.com