The Body of Christ….We are the Body of Christ. As each part of our physical body has a particular function, so each member of the Church has a particular role in bringing grace and holiness to the rest. And it is through Baptism that we are joined to Christ as a member of his church. Baptism is often called "Christening", expressing how we are made one with Christ, a completely new person.
As Elizabeth Ministers, we have been called to minister to a particular group of people. And like the body of Christ, we have many parts that make up this ministry. There are those ladies who prepare meals; some write cards of sympathy, support or celebration; others become pregnancy partner to an expectant mother; while still others participate in praying the Rosary; deliver a basket to the hospital or home; or being a Minister to the Sick - bringing Communion to those in need. All these are done in the spirit of hospitality and welcoming.
I came into the Elizabeth Ministry sort of by the back door. I didn't sign up at the Ministry Fair or call Lori. Over a year ago, I saw the announcement in the bulletin to pray the Rosary. I wanted to add something to my prayer life and as a convert, I wanted to learn how to pray the Rosary. I felt called to this opportunity. So every
month I faithfully put it on the calendar, the second Tuesday of the month, to come and pray the Rosary. I have made it a priority and it has added another dimension to my spiritual life.
I am also a Minister to the Sick and take Communion to Winter Park Hospital. My favorite part of the day is visiting the new moms. In most cases, it is a joyful time. Many are so pleased to be able to receive the Eucharist. To look into their eyes is like looking into their soul. Many moms are holding their babies, some even nursing. Often there are tears - tears of happiness and thanksgiving that God has been so good. These women are so appreciative. Even those mothers who don't attend church, I always ask if they would like a prayer. Most do. It's my way of planting that seed that God is the creator.
Elizabeth, contrary to all tradition, against all common sense, took Mary into her home, no questions asked, no verdict levied. We as Elizabeth Ministers, are asked carry out our ministry, centered in faith and reverend, love and concern, comfortably, but not casually, relaxed. yet with awesome respect.
I would like to share with you one of my favorite quotes:
"I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." - Etienne De Grellet
As Elizabeth Ministers, and as members of the Body of Christ, serve the Lord with gladness. May God Bless you all.