Confirmation for Adults and Youth

Confirmation, along with Baptism and Eucharist, is a part of what are called the Sacraments of Initiation into our Catholic Church. Through this sacrament and the graces received, we are equipped and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to face all the challenges and struggles of life, especially in difficult and anxious moments. Confirmation Preparation is about cultivating a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and understanding the gifts you will receive as you are called to be disciples of Christ in your home, your parish, and the community at large.

For Youth

After discussion and prayerful reflection, it was decided that St. Margaret Mary Parish will provide Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation at the ninth-grade level and above. Last year, a trial was introduced that welcomed some younger students to be Confirmed; however, the decision has been made to remain with ninth-grade being the minimum age for Confirmation at St. Margaret Mary Parish.

We prayerfully look forward to working with this year’s high school Confirmandi, as well as those who will join us in the years to come. Confirmation preparation registration for 2023-2024 for students who are in ninth grade or above begins on August 1st. We look forward to journeying with this group of young people through the period of preparation. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the students and Catechists as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

In love and prayer,
Fr. Walsh
Peyton Kuhlman

Our program is open to students in grades 9-12 who are active in their faith and have a sincere desire to be confirmed in the Catholic faith. Priority is given to 9th grade applicants. Classes will meet in-person on Sunday afternoons beginning in October. More Information about Confirmation 2024

For more information, please contact Peyton Kuhlman, Director of Youth Ministry at [email protected] or (407) 998-5677.

For Adults

Confirmation for adults, ages 18+, is coordinated through our Christian initiation process and Adult Faith Formation ministry.   For more information, contact Karen Falbo at [email protected] or 407-644-6812.

Certificate of Confirmation

If you are in need of a copy of  your Confirmation certificate please fill out this form: to submit your request.