Category Archives: Sr. Rosemary’s Reflections


Coin collectors make a hobby of understanding every part of a coin – its size, place of origin, the mineral content, how old it is, and what each word and image on it means.  To understand our Gospel today, it helps to know a little about the ancient view of coinage.  For instance: Coinage was…
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Upside Down

At 10:00 this morning, we celebrated a funeral Mass in the chapel for John Keen.  Those of you who have attended this 8:00 Mass will remember seeing him, although perhaps you may not have known his name.  He was tall and lanky with dark hair.  He often stood in the back of chapel when we…
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Mary, Mother of the Church, and Memorial Day

We had a globe at home when I was a kid, and I was fascinated by it.  This amazing ball of mother earth, which I could slowly spin, showed different colored countries and cities, numerous bodies of water and rugged mountain ranges.  As time went on, I learned the history of some of those places…
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Glory and Boldness

Tuesday Reflection from Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P. Readings from: In today’s readings, Jesus and Paul are each aware that they are completing their life’s work and are reflecting how they carried out their mission. Their individual approaches to their call are quite unique and diverse. Jesus primary concern is that the Father be glorified through his life of obedience, and especially his death on a cross.  All the stories Jesus…
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