Category Archives: Sr. Rosemary’s Reflections

Families: The Feast of St. Joseph

Over the weekend I was looking at a painting entitled “The Holy Family at Table” by an unknown Spanish artist of the 17th century.  As you can imagine, it portrayed an ordinary day in the life of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, who looked about 10 years old, as they sat around a table eating a…
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Life-Giving Waters

Readings from: The images of water in both readings today are life-giving.  We’re not hearing any Lenten ‘repent’ messages, just messages of hope and new life.  In Ezekiel, the water began as a stream and eventually became a river that gave life to everything it soaked and splattered…trees, vegetation, fish, and even salted seas. …
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‘For’ and ‘Give’

C.S. Lewis, a famous writer, scholar, and lay theologian, has this to say about forgiveness: “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” Today we heard Christ’s parable about the servant who owed the King a large amount of money.  When faced with severe punishment, the…
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Culture of Service

Recently on ABC news, there was the story of Harry Simmons, a 6-year-old boy, who was happily donating his clothes and toys to help other children in need.  The story really focused on his mother who wanted him to develop what she called a ‘culture of service’.  She told the reporter that she believes ‘service…
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