Category Archives: Sr. Rosemary’s Reflections

Exaltation of the Cross

Tuesday Reflection written by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P. Readings from: Last Sunday, one of our young men in RCIA celebrated the Rite of Acceptance and is now officially a catechumen who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil.  As part of that Rite, he was signed by his sponsor with the sign of the…
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The Character of Jesus

When I read our Gospel today, which begins with Jesus spending the night in prayer with His Father, I was reminded of a true story. It seems a 15-year-old boy and his father were driving past a tiny airport in a small town in Ohio.  Suddenly a low flying small plane spun out of control…
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Waiting Well

Written by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P. Readings from: I would wager that waiting isn’t easy for any of us.  We want everything quickly…from our microwave meals to our ways of communicating.  And isn’t it fun to wait in traffic?  And how long do we have to wait until this COVID thing subsides? Because I often…
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Anonymously and Barely Known

21st OT, St. Bartholomew, 2021 Her name is Ms. Fonie Pierre.  We hardly know anything about her other than what the article in the newspaper told us. There was no picture, so we don’t even know what she looks like.  We were told she has a daughter, lives in the region of Haiti hit…
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