Category Archives: Sr. Rosemary’s Reflections

Incredibly Formed

Question:  Besides the first reading and the gospel, what else is included in what we call ‘the Liturgy of the Word’?  If you answered ‘the Responsorial Psalm’, Congratulations!  Today’s response is Psalm 139, one of my favorites…truly beautiful and filled with much food for thought.  If you’re ever wondering whether your life matters, read Psalm…
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Job and Guardian Angels

Perhaps you’re familiar with the Native American rite of passage ritual when their boys turn 12.  The boy would be blindfolded, lead deep into the woods, then seated by a tree.  If the boy could sit there alone all night without removing the blindfold, he was considered a man.  But he would have to just…
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We Are Many Parts

Written by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan O.P. Lest we think Paul sat down one day to write just a friendly letter to the church in Corinth, such was not the case.  He wrote to the church in Corinth because of, believe it or not, their misbehaviors: scandals, crises, divisions and disagreements.  Sound familiar?  Paul had to…
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Apostles and Fr. Mychal

In today’s gospel, we hear about Jesus’ prayerful choice of the apostles who would become the founders of the new people of God, the church.  An article by John Reed asks: “So what was Jesus’ criteria for his selection?”  Interesting, the criteria Jesus didn’t use was: Social status…they were ordinary men and not in high…
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