Growing Older

Written by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P.
Readings from:

We meet a good and holy man in our 1st reading today.  His name is Eleazar which means ‘God will help’.  We are told he is an elderly gentleman who has aged with dignity and grace. Tradition has it that he lived to be 90 years old and had succeeded his father as the High Priest of Israel.

He was being forced by the oppressive ruling King to eat pork, which the Jewish people did not do, and so, because of his lifelong faithfulness to God, chose to die a horrible death rather than violate the Law.  The story beautifully says: “Eleazar made up his mind in a noble manner, worthy of his years, the dignity of his advanced age, and the merited distinction of his gray hair.”

As Eleazar met his painful death, he groaned and said this: “The Lord knows full well that, although I could have escaped death, I am not only enduring terrible pain in my body from this scourging, but also suffering it with joy in my soul because of my devotion to him.” Imagine that…’suffering with joy in my soul’. Eleazar didn’t get like that overnight.  He let obedience to God’s word shape his character each and every day of his life.  Needless to say, his actions had a powerful impact on others, especially, we’re told, the young.

Eleazar’s example should inspire us to look at our own lives to see how we show good example.  Whether we’re aware of it or not, our everyday decisions do affect others. How do we treat others?  How do we spend our time, our money?  Do we pray?  What do we read? How do we help others in need?  In other words, we shape our Christ-like character by making faithful choices daily.

Eleazar shows us that no matter how old we are, we can continually and actively choose to develop spiritually, live authentically and witness to others. We can learn, and give, and teach, and help, and bless this world each day we are given.