About the New Life Team
In the Baptism Rite, it says: "The Christian Community welcomes you with great joy!" Elizabeth Ministry is one way for a parish to truly live out these words from Baptism as they witness to the blessing of new life!
Elizabeth Ministry New Life Team volunteers offer support to the parish Baptism classes in the following ways: assembling and presenting gift bags while welcoming the families at the Baptism class with a simple message about the Elizabeth Ministry.
New Life Team Volunteers also send a congratulatory card and a handmade gift from the Purls & Prayers Ministry to a family with a newborn.
Volunteering to serve on the New Life Team
To get started, please complete theĀ Elizabeth Ministry Volunteer Form. Once your information is received, the EM Coordinator will follow up with you to start the Diocesan requirements (if you have not already completed them).
Thank you for your interest in the St. Margaret Mary Elizabeth Ministry New Life Team!
For more information, please contact the Family Life Office at 407-645-0284 or email [email protected]