Written by Mike Roche’s father: Bill Roche
On October 10, Pope Francis called on all medical professionals to treat every person with care and dignity. He emphasized that “there are no lives that are unworthy,” no matter how fragile. The Pope denounced a “throwaway culture” that allows human life to be destroyed by abortion and euthanasia and encouraged Catholic healthcare workers to strive to promote human dignity. Protecting the lives and rights of all human beings “is the ultimate responsibility” of every person. He urged them to remain strong and denounce “injustices that harm innocent and defenseless life.” His remarks reinforce a continuing theme condemning the killing of babies in abortion and urging society to support babies and mothers in need. (Source: Pope Francis Denounces Abortion.., Micaiah Bilger, lifenews, 10/19/21; Pope Francis: Catholic Healthcare.., Courtney Mares, Catholic News Agency, 10/18/21.)