Out on a Limb

Tuesday Reflection by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P.
Readings from: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/111522.cfm

What is there about the story of Zacchaeus that's so appealing to both children and adults? Children can identify because they climb trees; adults find it humorous to imagine this unpopular, cheating tax collector climbing a tree out of obvious curiosity.

The story of Zacchaeus, however, is not just for our entertainment. The last two letters in Zacchaeus name tell us the story is for us. It is our story too. Zacchaeus just didn't climb a tree, he went out on a limb, and that made all the difference.

Sister Janet Schaeffler, another Adrian Dominican, wrote about Zacchaeus and says that going out on a limb can put us in a vulnerable position. It can be risky. Think of the times in your own lives when you went out on a limb to take a risk:

  • perhaps moving across the country for the sake of a job,
  • or changing careers in midlife,
  • or taking that leap of faith and trusting the medical team for your child’s fragile health condition.

As we look back through the years of our life choices, either in the single or married life, religious life or priesthood, questions and situations arose we never dreamed we’d counter, but we climbed that tree and risked going out on a limb.

Why did Zaccheus do it? Was he just curious? What if all he heard about Jesus was true? Yes, something inside him told him it was worth the risk to go out on a limb. Mark Twain said: "Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is! "

Zacchaeus was responding to the grace of God inside his own broken heart. He wanted to know this man Jesus better. He took the risk, and what happened? Jesus noticed him, and told him "I must stay at your house today.” Their relationship began, which for Zacchaeus at that moment, was the fruit at the end of the limb. So moved was Zacchaeus by this man Jesus, his kindness and his mercy, that Zacchaeus was compelled to reconcile himself with others too.

Which causes us to wonder: As I reflect on my relationship with Jesus, how far out on a limb do I go to make this relationship richer? One last quick point about the story. What if Zacchaeus was the same height as other people? Then he could have easily seen Jesus. But he was short, so he climbed a tree. And we know what happened next: Jesus couldn't help noticing him, and not only did Jesus call him, but he announced in front of the whole crowd that he must stay at his house. Zacchaeus' shortness, this inadequacy and limitation of his, was the very thing God used to change Zacchaeus' life.

Don't we all have inadequacies we wish we didn't? God, however, uses who we are, with all our faults and foibles, to continue God's work on earth. Zacchaeus is our hero in that department!

For the sake of our relationship with Christ and others, and for the risk it takes to speak on behalf of others, may we, like Zacchaeus, have the courage to go out on a limb for the sake of the kingdom of God.

Also, today we pray to an outstanding Dominican, St. Albert the Great:

  • teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas,
  • brilliant scientist and prolific theologian,
  • known as ‘the light of Germany’

May his holiness and his brilliance inspire us to learn more of our faith.
