New SMM Joint Partnership: Together in Grace Ministries The ministry will provide walk-up food for the homeless in the Aloma/436 corridor, bags of food for families who live in Winter Park, Maitland or Eatonville who are struggling to feed their families, and will continue our long-standing diaper program for children up to 3 years old…
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Women’s Bible Study
Lectio: God – The Mystery of the Holy Trinity What do we mean when we say “God”? Misconceptions about God abound, even among Christians, and these misconceptions can become obstacles in our relationship with God. Looking at the Old and New Testaments, this study explains common misunderstandings regarding God, insightful questions, and personal reflections that…
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Empowering Change
The Partnership Between St. Peter Claver Prison Ministry (SPCPM) and Promising People Enterprise (PPE) In a transformative step toward reducing homelessness and recidivism, St. Peter Claver Prison Ministry (SPCPM) has joined forces with Promising People LLC, an organization committed to providing innovative vocational training through Virtual Reality (VR) technology. This partnership represents a new era…
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Rosary Makers Ministry
The Rosary Makers Ministry helps promote Catholic faith through the making, sharing, and distributing of rosaries. The Holy Rosary is considered a perfect vehicle for prayer as it recalls the beautiful story of our salvation. This group gathers to make rosaries for our parish ministries, sacramental candidates, and the community at large. We invite men…
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