Parish Headlines

Parish Plan

Parish Plan Update SMM Parish Plan Update - Priority Area: Youth/Young Adult [pdf-embedder url="" title="Update 2-22 Young Adults 1"] SMM Parish Plan Update - Priority Area: Engagement [pdf-embedder url="" title="Update 2-22 Engagenment 1"] [pdf-embedder url="" title="Update 2-22 Engagenment 2"] [sm_hr] SMM Parish Plan Update - Priority Area: Spiritual Growth [pdf-embedder url="" title="Update 2-22 Spirtual Growth…
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Coffee and Donut Ministry

Looking for a way to help in your church?  Think “Yummy Donuts!”  We are in need volunteers to serve donuts once a month after the 8am or 9:30am Masses. This is a great way to help and meet people. If this is something you would like to do, please contact Concetta Timmes - [email protected]
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Prayer Line

Does someone you know, or even yourself, need prayers? As part of their ministry, compassionate parishioners will pray for your special needs. Please call the parish office at 407-647-3392 and give the name of the person requesting prayers to the staff at the front desk. By the evening, many prayers will be said for your…
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