The Peaceful Kingdom of God

Reflection by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P.

Today, Isaiah paints an image of God’s peaceable kingdom for us using our 4-footed friends, the animals.

  • It’s a vision of wolves and lions and their natural prey, lambs and calves, living together, cows and bears being neighbors.
  • It’s a vision into the Reign of God for which we must aim.
  • It is a realization that it is God’s work we do to make the peaceable Reign of God a reality.

As we begin this Advent season, we are so aware of the many war-torn parts in our world right now. Families, and their animals, are suffering on both sides of the fighting, homes are destroyed, and aid is not forthcoming. We pray for peace, we yearn for peace, we dream of peace. How very true is the quote: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

The Church gives us this season of Advent to dream of peace along with Isaiah, but more than dream, it gives us opportunities to make peace happen in our own world sphere. The first 6 letters of the word ‘adventure’ spell “Advent”. Perhaps we can imagine this Advent as an adventure to make peace somewhere in our lives. It would cause us to stay awake, hopeful and be vigilant for those moments where we can take some action to work towards God’s vision.

Every adventure has its challenges, so whether it’s in small or large ways, how can we put that dream of God’s peaceful kingdom into practice and start to make it a reality this Advent?

  • Can we sacrifice some of our food or beverage pleasures and give that money to help the poor?
  • Can we make a phone call to our elected official and advocate for those immigrants desperately fleeing violent situations?
  • Is there someone in our own life who needs comfort and peace that only we can give?

Advent is a time to remember this hopeful vision of God. Even more hopeful, however, is to remember that Advent is our time to celebrate Jesus Christ stepping into our humanity as one of us. He is that power of love that challenges the love of power, and who shows us the way to God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.