Volunteer for Chicken Soup

Thank you for offering to become a “Chicken Soup” volunteer. It is an easy way to help people in our community who are experiencing difficulties or transition. We will work around your schedule and comfort level.

Each person we help has a Team Leader who has previously met with them and assessed our ability to help and explained how we work. She will always be the contact for additional help, never you. Please do not ever feel that you have to accept requests for help directly.

The Volunteer Coordinators will be sending emails weekly (or more often if we get a late request.) These emails will give you dates, times, and what the person has requested. When you find a request that meets your schedule, simply reply as to which person and date you would like to help. You will receive a confirmation email with detailed information if you have been scheduled.

If something changes and you have to cancel, you can email [email protected] or get in touch with the Team Leader. But assuming you are able to fulfill the assignment, please call the person and confirm that you are going to help at least three days before the assignment.

Our computer system is designed to send emails with requests to all volunteers even if you already have an assignment. Please know that we are not expecting you to reply to all of the emails.

The diocese requires our volunteers to:

  1. Have a background checkIf you have taken the diocesan Safe Environment training and been fingerprinted in the last 5 years, no background check is required at this time. If you have not been fingerprinted, or it has been longer than 5 years, please click this link for instructions on completing the process. https://stmargaretmary.org/ministries/fingerprinting-and-safe-environment-training
  2. Fill out the Driver Information Form

    You will need to show proof of insurance (if you plan to transport someone.) The Diocese has an umbrella insurance that will cover you over and above your own insurance should there be a problem. Once the parish receives approval, we will contact you and you can begin to volunteer. Click here to fill out the form

Again, thank you for your generous offer to help. I guarantee that you will receive just as much as you give in this gratifying work. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have questions. [email protected] or 407-629-9699.