When will this be over?

Written by Sr. Rosemary Finnegan, O.P.
Readings from: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/112321.cfm

I’ve heard so many people sigh lately and ask: “When will this be over?”  They are, of course, referring to our Covid situation, their weariness of the limitations it places on us.  Knowing the uncertainty of it all despite the blessing of the vaccine, we still remain vigilant.

Our readings today ask the same question about the end times: “When will it be over?”  Who knows when the Master is coming?  Who knows when the end will be?  Ironically, the real significance of the end times is in the present.  Not knowing when the end will be makes us appreciate today and keeps us vigilant.

At Mass today, and at every liturgy, we hear the words “as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.”  The truth is, when that coming will be and what it will be like are not ours to know.  To prepare for that moment, however, we have to be ready each moment.  As Christians we live in a permanent state of expectation, knowing, too, that we live in the shadow of eternity.

The images presented today are certainly scary, but biblically, they’re presented not as a scary warning, but as an encouragement.  If we’re trying our best to follow Jesus, there is no need for fear.  Jesus has already saved us and we can live in his love.  His grace is there for us in abundance to accomplish whatever he asks of us.  Christ is always here, and near.

About the end times, we don’t know the answer to ‘when will this be over?’  Today’s gospel alleluia verse, however, is meant to console us:  “Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”