Category Archives: e-Formation

Respect Life Month

October is observed as Respect Life month for Catholics across the nation and the world.  The main focus of the observance is to remember that from conception to natural death, each person has an inherent right to life and dignity.  Human life is sacred and inviolable, deserving utter respect in all cases.  Every one of…
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The Book of Jonah

Date of Writing: The Book of Jonah was likely written between 793 and 758 B.C. Purpose of Writing: Disobedience and revival are the key themes in this book. Jonah’s experience in the belly of the whale provides him with a unique opportunity to seek a unique deliverance, as he repents during this equally unique retreat. His initial…
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October 2023

October falls during the liturgical season known as Tempus per Annum or Ordinary Time.  The color of the season is green signifying new life and growth. The Liturgy does not focus on one particular mystery of Christ but views the mystery of Christ in all its aspects. We follow the life of Christ through the…
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Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels

September 29th is the Feast Day of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. These three Archangels are the only angels named in the Bible and all three played an important part in God’s salvation plan. St. Michael The name of the archangel Michael means, in Hebrew, who is like unto God? He is commonly known as "the…
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