Category Archives: Parenting

The A’s of Attachment and Attunement

by Flora M. Torra, Ed. S. A Secure attachment pattern develops when a positive enough environment creates and engenders basic trust in others. We feel taken care of and watched over by our parents. Our parents are present in our lives, they understand us and “get” us. We can then go off and explore the…
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Calming Our Children

Written by parishioner Flora Torra Again, just like in calming ourselves, we are better off to take measures of prevention and establish self-regulation with our children, much more than coping with them when they are out of control.    In other words, we help them develop self-control or self-regulation early on so we do not have…
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Calming Yourself

Written by parishioner Flora Torra Here are a few pointers for grounding or settling ourselves Allow your eyes to naturally scan the space you are in. Now look around and pick three objects that have white in them. This should allow you to feel in the present moment, more grounded, and in your Notice how…
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Being a Parent Matters: 3 Insights

Written by parishioner Flora Torra Recently I came upon the old saying about being a Human Being and not a Human Doing. I immediately thought of parenting in today’s world. And how we are inundated daily with better and more effective ways to parent. We are bombarded with the information to raise happy, smart, disciplined,…
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