Looking to deepen your faith? consider Cursillo
Men’s weekend: March 6-9 Women’s Weekend: March 20-23
By the Grace of the Holy Spirit we are blessed to have a community of Cursillistas who are actively engaged in spreading the message of God’s Love to the world. Cursillo is a program that encourages Catholics to “bloom where we are planted” and bring the fruits of our faith into the ordinary moments of our everyday lives.
It can draw you closer to the Body of Christ – living and growing in our Christian Community.
The Cursillo Journey begins with a three-day weekend experience which invites Catholics to dive deeper into the well of our faith and personally connect with God’s unlimited love. Many have said the Cursillo Weekend can only be described as a “life-changing event”. More than just one weekend, it is an invitation to a pilgrimage which is lived every day for the rest of our lives – in every place that God chooses to “plant” us. If you are interested in attending a Cursillo Weekend, please contact Andrea Cavalere for more information at 407-998-5678 or [email protected].