The Lazarus Ministry

Mission: Mindful of Jesus’ admonition that “Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me (Matthew 25:40), SMM Lazarus Ministry seeks to help families living in the Lee Road hotels to move into more suitable housing and to ease the already arduous burden of poverty by making available the necessities of life as the first step to a more fruitful life, especially for children.

2024 Lazarus Event Calendar

  • November 26 - Thanksgiving food delivery. We deliver food gathered through the SMM Thanksgiving Stores program to hotel families. Look for sign up link to come in November 2024.
  • December TBD - Christmas gift deliveries. We deliver gifts gathered through the SMM Christmas Stores program. Look for sign up link to come in November 2024.

2025 Lazarus Event Calendar

  • Spring Clean - April 3 (Easter is April 20, 2025)
  • Summer Meals - June 10 - July 21
  • Back-to-School - August 7 (OCPS Starts August 11)
  • Thanksgiving - November 25 (Thanksgiving is November 27)

There are many ways to be involved the event above including distributing items in the SMM Courtyard, helping to organize donations for delivery, loading donations for delivery, helping to distribute donations at the hotels, being part of the team by manning prayer tables at events, etc.

If you would like to donate funds to be used by the Lazarus Ministry.

  1. Electronically - go to the donate link on the St Margaret Mary website:  Once you have made your donation, please send an email to [email protected] to let us know so we can follow up with the Parish Administration.
  2. Check - If you prefer to write a check, make the check out to St Margaret Mary Church and write Lazarus Ministry in the Memo Line.

Please sign up to help below:

Fill out my online form.