SMM Rummage Sale

Mark Your Calendar for SMM’s Annual Rummage Sale!

June 26 - 28

Thursday thru Saturday

Sale Hours: 8 am to 2 pm

When you start your spring cleaning or re-decorating project this year, be sure to set aside your gently used linens, clothing, books, kitchen and home décor for SMM’s Rummage Sale to benefit SMM’s Haiti Ministry.

Drop off donations - 4 days – Saturday & Monday - Wednesday

June 21, 23, 24, 25

Parish Hall 9 am to 3 pm

Please save your clean, gently used, clean, items in good condition for our fundraising event!

Drop off is at the back door of the Parish Hall.

Don’t forget --- we cannot accept heavy/large or upholstered furniture,

mattresses, faux flowers, stuffed animals, luggage without wheels, or anything dirty or broken.

Thank you for supporting this event over the years.

Mark Your Calendar!