Category Archives: Adult Faith Formation

Labor Day Reflection

Good morning, and Happy Labor Day.  This holiday is when much of the country celebrates: a day off from work, the last hurrah of summer, plenty of sales in stores and online, lots of barbequing, and for those fashionistas who grew up in the north, no more wearing white after this day! However, in 1882,…
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Women’s Bible Study

Lectio:  God – The Mystery of the Holy Trinity What do we mean when we say “God”?  Misconceptions about God abound, even among Christians, and these misconceptions can become obstacles in our relationship with God.  Looking at the Old and New Testaments, this study explains common misunderstandings regarding God, insightful questions, and personal reflections that…
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Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Beginning in December, 1674, Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary 13 times and asked her to promote a strong devotion to his Sacred Heart. He also shared promises with her for those who prayed this Sacred Heart devotion. This special devotion represents not simply his physical heart, but His eternal and unconditional love for all…
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Novena to St. Joseph

Pope Francis has named this the Year of St. Joseph. A novena to St. Joseph is at the bottom of this page. We also made a short video series posted below with reflections from parishioners on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter Patris Corde (The Heart of the Father). [sm_hr] [vimeography id="19"] [sm_hr] Text of the Novena…
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